Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

30000 Soldaten werden in den Süden Afghanistans eingesetzt

In einer Radiosendung in Kabul wurde der amerikanischen Botschafter aus Afghanistan von mehreren Zuhoerer mit mehreren Fragen konfrontiert:

Questioner: Where will the 30,000 additional U.S. soldiers being deployed to Afghanistan be sent in the country? Are there any plans to deploy them in parts of northern Afghanistan where the Taliban has been growing in strength during the past year?

Eikenberry: ...And although the majority of...the additional troops from the United States will go to southern and eastern Afghanistan, I believe that other NATO allies, but more importantly the Afghan national security forces, with their increasing strength, will be contending with the problems in certain places of the north and the northwest [to] which you referred.

Kurz: Die 30000 US Soldaten werden in den Sueden eingesetzt, laut dem amerikanischen Botschafter aus Afghanistan.

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