Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

Does anyone understands this?

An agreement on handing over of eight acre land by the Afghan government to Canadian embassy was signed in Kabul by the Afghan Minster of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Rangeen Dadfar Spanta and the Canadian ambassador.

What is the reason that the canadian government gets this much land? By the way, eight acre land is equal to 32376 m².

Did you know that the Afghan Minister of Foreign Affairs, "Dr". Rangeen Dafdar Spanta is accused of corruption? He is on a list with 14 other ministers accused of corruption. Karzai has now (19. December 09) presented his new cabinet.

1-Minister of Defence: Mohamamd Rahim Wardak

2-Minister of Interior: Mohamamd Hanif Atmar

3-Minister of Finance: Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal

4-Minister of Public Health: Mohammad Amin Fatimi

5-Minister of Information and Culture: Makhdum Rahin

6-Minister of Energy and Water: Mohammad Ismaiel Khan

7-Minister of Mines: Waheedullah Sharani

8-Minister of Education: Farooq Wadak

9-Minister of Justice: Mohammad Sarwar Danish

10-Minister of Telecommunication and Information Technology: Amirzai Sangin

11-Minister of Commerce and Industries: Ghulam Mohammad Aylaqi

12-Minister of Agriculture: Mohammad Asef Rahimi

13-Minister of Women Affairs: Husn Banu Ghazanfar

14-Minister of Returnees and Refugees: Enayatullah Nazari

15-Minister of Islamic Affairs: Enayatullah Baligh

16-Minister of Border and Tribal Affairs: Sayed Hamid Gelani

17-Minister of Counter Narcotics: Gen Khudaidad

18-Minister of Higher Education: Obaidullah Obaid

19-Minister of Public Works: Engineer Mirza Hussain Abdullahi

20-Minister of Economy: Anwar ul Haq Ahadi

21-Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development: Engineer Wais Ahmad Barmak

22-Minister of Labour and Social Affairs: Mohammad Esmail Monshi

23-Minister of Transport: Dr Mohammadullah Batash

This will be his new cabinet. The Minister of Forreign Affairs is not in the list. It is expected that the corrupt Rangeen Dafdar Spanta will keep his position as the Forreign Affairs Minister. The Minster or War Lord Ismail Khan (Minister of Energy and Water ) is even accused of human rights abuses.


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